This was done with no reference what-so-ever...I guess in that sense it is a bit of an exercise in anatomy. I don't think it's all too terrible. More or less what I remember women looking like. Some of them anyway. God I should just stop typing. (sorry if that was terribly offensive.)
SO. It's been a while yeah? To catch everyone and no one up, I have been mostly devoted to nothing what-so-ever. Work has been a bit demanding of my time, everything else has either been spent climbing or...
What HAVE I been doing?
In any case, here are some random sketches. I need to start a new REAL project but I am at a loss for ideas. Maybe I will work on some digital speed paintings tonight (I'm sick and therefore stuck at home-ish). We'll see.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I am sorry to those loyal readers out there...(skoff joke huff)
I just recently moved and haven't bothered to upload, hook up my scanner, take photos or really draw all too much.