So here we are again. As per usual, it's been a while. I'd like to say I've been busy, but I haven't. Leastways in art anyhow. Just a few pages from the sketchbook here...
My love affair with Zombies...
Random Faces etc.
And RRRRRobots.
Aside from that, I've spent a LITTLE time in traditional media...acrylic paint and canvas etc. nothing spectacular.
Arcylic on canvas 48in x 20inThis based on a sketch I saw on Mark Bailey's blog. We went to highschool together, he was artistic then as well...I wasn't. He's much better. His sketch was based on Jonah and the whale I think, mine is argo, the constellation. kind of.
Acrylic on canvas 40in x 8 in
This is just a semi-abstracted interior courtyard, in progress...
acrylic on canvas 18 in x 30 in
My younger step brother is into cars etc so this is a piece I'm inactively working on for him. It's not an engine...I have no idea what an engine actually looks like. feh.