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I don't know why it has become such a hastle to sign on to my blog lately. Sure it's been a while, so things may have changed, but apparently so did my email address. didn't. So what exactly does a person do when their blog INSISTS that their email address is wrong? Argue? Irregardless, I've figured it out; until the next time it happens.
Once again it's been an extended period since my last entry, honestly I just haven't been working as much as I should be. all. It's fair to let everyone in on why, though "everyone" means...Dave, and the random stumbler upon...still, it seems like in lieu of posts, excuses are appropriate.
Lately (the past 4+ months) I've been overly devoted to matters of the heart, and the repetitive breaking thereof. I've been having desperate moment after desperate moment, trying to get my life, and the company I keep, to be exactly where I think it needs to be in order to be happy, and make she who means most to me happy as well. The problem has been a difference in opinion of what exactly that means for each of us. Repetitively I've been let down easy, however for such an easy let down, I seem to hit harder and harder when I land. Hit after hit I seem to find less and less of a will to do anything creative, being more willing to sit and stare, or crawl into bed
and...lay down and stare. But hey! tonight is something different. Nothing great, but I have SOMETHING. I was playing around on the facebook art boards again, leaving pictures of myself on my friend's boards, here are a few of they.
Also from tonight, a friend of mine, Leah, and I spent the evening at Mugs (a locally owned coffee house) and somehow led into a photo of the two of us from my webcam which we were each drawing upon and otherwise modifying
here are a few of the better results.

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