so...once again I return after a shorter long while, but a relatively long span nonetheless. On the artistic front, not much new to report. Still trying to figure everything out as best I can. I'm great, then awful, then just surviving, then great again, then see the trend. That's just before lunch. I've been writing shortstories a fair bit lately, maybe at some point I will scan them or transcribe into digital media for someone to read. Also I've been teaching myself french, which is going very well. thank you for asking.
I have been in and out of coffeehouses again, doing some sketches. I am still trying to find a style of my own, the best i can come up with as a style, i'm not entirely satisfied with...I want to be an illustrator, and graphic novelist, but not a comic book artist ya? but most of my work is very outline intensive...we'll keep at it. For once i feel like my drawing is GOING somewhere. I've had to do a bit of a u-turn in life in the past 5-6 months because I realized that my life had gotten a bit bleak. Since the turn around I feel much better as a person, my climbing as gotten stronger in leaps and bounds (although we'll see with the recent return of my good ol crap knee injury) but also I feel, parallel to my climbing, I've marked improvement in almost everything, including drawing, and drawing quickly, or getting closer to that thing I want from my "art". Unfortunately, the turn around bore a promise, which has been the only questioningly unsatisfying aspect...Do not get me wrong, I've stuck to my promise, and I believe I've done well. Change in attitude was for her...but it was also for me...but I had this foolish hope that being what I should have been all along would lead to her taking me back. Alas...I must resign to siphoning the specific stolen happiness which only she gives me, and I suspect only she ever could, but doing so in a way which I almost think she feels guilty for. It's not like I lose sleep over it. I didn't sleep before...(lie)
anyway...the important stuff. the art. (so called)

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